Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Once again I'm attempting to blog.  I almost closed our blog...but my kids have asked that I keep it going so that they can show family and friends this or that.  The last seven months have been busy as usual and sitting down to post is just about 100 on my list of things I want to sorry for becoming a hermit.  I also have no idea what's going on in the lives of distant family and friends.  I STILL don't Facebook (I know, I know... dreadful) and looking at your blogs only reminded me how far behind I was.  Selfish?  Maybe...but I'll just say it saved hours a week.

The kids have been watching for some main events to be posted, so I promised a quick catch up..........again.

March highlights:  Sophie's Justin Beiber Bash and her baptism.

April brought Easter, clogging competitions, Kiarra's 14th birthday and soccer, soccer, soccer.
May (always crazier than December) was filled with more soccer, a dance revue, piano recitals, an orchestra concert, kindergarten graduation and Zac's received his amazing Wheaties box for being in the top 5% all year.

June's journeys included a family camping trip, Washington DC for Kiarra, Girls Camp for Kiarra at awesome Heber Valley Campground, T-ball and Todd & I got to relive a little of our 80's teen years by meeting up with friends in Vegas to see Poison and Def Leppard in concert!  Rock On!
July was nice.  Lots of yard work, BBQ's, swimming lessons and the annual trip to Altamont for Longhorn Days.

August was over before I even knew it began.  Kiarra, after conditioning with the high school soccer team for two months, made the JV team, so it was straight into some lengthy practices for her.  The first weekend of the month is Garland's Wheat and Beet days and with Todd on city council we were plenty involved.  He cooked at the breakfast then he had his nifty councilman four-wheeler and I had my beauty queens for the parade. Todd usually drives the float for it was a little scary...all survived though.  The kids operated a treat stand at the park for two days.. (and enjoyed sampling the competition...the chocolate strawberries were the BEST!)
Also in August, there was camping with the Kunzler family (two of their girls moved in with us for the school year) and the county fair.  The fair is always the final party of the summer.  Even though we didn't have animals, it was busy enough.  Sophie danced in parade, (I was responsible for the beauty queens again), the kid's had 4-H projects, including a blue-ribbon dress Kiarra had sewn, Sophie and Max clogged,  and Max had the opportunity to give Mutton Bustin' a shot at the rodeo.
And finally in August was the First Day of School!  Yeah!
3rd grade for Sophie, 2nd grade Max (after a lot of thought and a little testing, we decided the best option for Max this year was to skip 1st grade)
7th grade with new braces!
Our freshman, Kiarra!
Kiarra with her "adopted" big sisters.  Karissa is a senior this year and Ally is a Junior.  It's a wild ride having three teenage girls in the house.  Yes, Todd and I are learning how to chase the boys off.

Because September deserves it's own post, I'll stop this lengthy post here.  I hope to post about our amazing September in the next day or two.  If you're still with me, thanks for checking in on the Millers!

1 comment:

  1. it kills me seeing the kids growing up...i can't believe Sophie is already old enough to be baptized...and max what a little smarty!! miss you guys :)
